Leave Your Retiree’s Medical Insurance Program to Us


National Seniors Coalition (NSC) and its business partners have pioneered group retiree medical solutions for Pre and Post-65 Retirees. Our proprietary model allows us to sponsor a group medical plan via an NSC Sponsored Trust and/or a Voluntary Employees' Beneficiary Association (VEBA), saving you money while relieving you of burdensome plan administration.

Our customers choose to work with NSC for the following reasons:

  • Range of alternative retiree health insurance plans and flexible funding options
  • Retirees can choose a group plan with the same outline of benefits they currently have
  • Retirees maintain the option of enrolling in an individual plan
  • Enhanced pharmacy benefit design helps retirees manage costs
  • Customized, combined solutions to meet your unique needs
  • Partnerships with some of the oldest, most respected, and
    trusted companies
  • Customer support through timely, effective, and personal service

Benefits for Employers

National Seniors Coalition enables businesses, municipalities, and unions to exit the retiree medical business while still offering a group plan. How does this work? Under our plans, the employer has no relationship or obligation to the trust, carrier, policy, or cost of coverage. The trustor VEBA is the applicant and policyholder and directly communicates with the carrier, arranges for the plan’s administration, coordinates the collection and payment of premiums from retirees, and performs all other aspects of the plan.

NSC can accommodate contributions toward the cost of coverage (either on a current or pre-funded basis) or other involvement from the employer. Flexibility is a key element in plan design and ease of transition.

Benefits for Retirees

Retirees are given the choice of a group plan with their current outline of benefits or individual plan options. A better prescription benefit design is also advantageous to participants. VEBA status for the retiree group permits a tax-free vehicle for participant contributions.

Who We Serve

Our products are designed for employers, union groups, and municipalities that currently self-fund their employee benefit plans and are struggling to balance retiree health commitments and costs. National Seniors Coalition aims to get our customers out of the retiree medical business while they continue to offer their retirees health insurance plans with the same levels of quality and access to care to which they are accustomed.

Why We Serve

The cost of health care is increasing every year, and unfunded retiree health care liabilities are growing rapidly. Simply cutting health care benefits is not a viable option because of pension rules. That’s why companies, unions, and government entities are actively seeking alternatives like those offered by National Seniors Coalition. We provide a range of options for providing effective health care coverage to pre and post-65 retirees, so you can offer them more choices while reining in your costs.